I am sorry there have been few updates this summer. I have been to busy driving Silkesvarten, sailing with the boats, painting the house and other things.
A few days ago I passed 1000 driven kilometers. The car is a dream to ride. And especially at small roads. I try to stay away from the highways. And I stay away from rain and wet surfaces... Unfortually we have had a lot of rain this summer. I haven't done very much maintenance, but last week my big brother was visiting, so it was a good opportunity to do some work on the car.
As I wrote earlier, I had some problems shifting to 3.rd gear. An IPOG member from Sweden gave me a tip we wanted to test. After a small adjustment the shift became perfect. And I meen PERFECT! When I installed the engine,I didn't adjust a thing, so I also wanted to do some adjustments. Well, I had done a
valve adjustment earlier. And also checked
the timing chain tensioner. So we started with the timing point. It was correct. Then the
dwell angle. Also correct. (35,7. Should be 36). Now we just had to
balance the carburettors. With a good tachometer it was easy to follow the instructions on my dearest webpage.
mbzponton.org.The result was really satisfying. The engine runs smoother than before, and I can run with a lower idle and less need of choke at cold engine.
Yesterday I also gave the car a inside "enginewash" from Würth, and new oil and filter. The oilpressure at idle rised a little. It's about 1,5 at idle, going up to 3 with a small touch on the throttle.
The only problem left is that I have some firing in the exhaust when the car is going down a hill with no throttle. If you have a tip, please leave a comment! In Norway we call it "pottesmell". I don't know the english word. It sounds: pa pam pa pa pam pam pam pa pam.