A special thank to my understanding and supporting wife, for giving me the opportunity to spend so much time on this project.
Thank you!
Comments from other Ponton enthusiasts around the world are welcome. And from other visitors who not yet are Ponton enthusiasts..... Norwegian is not yet a world wide language..... so I do my best in english. Sometimes norwegianenglish.

Thank you for visiting my page

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2009, a good year for me and Silkesvarten.

A short resume

I managed to complete the car..
We took the first price in Lillehammerløpet. My first race ever.
Won the price for best original car in "Strandheimtreffet 2009"
Finally came to Frognerseteren with my wife for applecake... :)
And last but definitively not least, I received the restoration price from my hometown classic car club. This means a lot to me, because this price is the highest achivement you can get for your restoration.

Who knows what 2010 will bring?


Scott said...

Race? You raced your 220S? What sort of race was this...?

Scott said...

Ahh I see your earlier post now... was it a rally? Not a RACE race, meaning, high speed? :)

Dag said...

You are right Scott. Not high speed.... Just cruising.