A special thank to my understanding and supporting wife, for giving me the opportunity to spend so much time on this project.
Thank you!
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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Little things

I have started to grind the wood for the dashboard.

Production of small chrome belt fasteners. These are really expensive, so I decided to produce them myself. The picture under shows the result after Egil has primed them. Ready to use. The chrome details are almost ready for assemblying. This afternoon I have polished them with Autosol, with a good result.

As I wrote earlier, two bulbs in the instrumentpanel was dark. I decidet to open up the panel to locate the problem. There was a burned wire, that had to be replaced. You can see a green wire missing in the right and middle of the picture below. I am impressed of the art of engineering also in the instrumentpanel. I guess Mercedes was lightyears ahead of all other car producers in the 50's.


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